The new Rules of Golf for 2012 until 2015 have a number of amendments which I shall update "Golferholics" on progressively.
Addressing the Ball
The Definition is amended so that a player has addressed the ball simply by grounding their club immediately in front of or behind the ball, regardless of whether or not the player has taken their stance. Therefore, the Rules generally no longer provide for a player addressing the ball in a hazard. (See also related change to Rule 18-2b)
As a consequence, a player will no longer be deemed to have addressed their ball in a bunker or a water hazard, as the Rules do not permit the grounding of a club in a hazard.
Extracts form the Rules of Golf have been used in these articles to promote the game of golf.
Knowledge of the Rules of Golf improve your score, as relief is taken when and where you are entitled, making the game easier – isn’t that a plus and the potential for disqualification reduced! Knowledge is Power!